About us

RapidPay LLC

RapidPay is an online, e-commerce payment platform that enables any merchant/Entrepreneur in the world to accept payments for services/products through more then 70 payment providers.

Payments accepted through RapidPay will be accessible to all account holders immediately or instantly after payment. Using the RapidPay Mastercard will enable the account holder to access the funds immediately as cash from an ATM or as swipe/tap at any partisipating merchant(s) as payment.

RapidPay as Payment Solution.

RapidPay has been created in order to bring the same solution as the Merchants of the more developed countries for the Caribbean/Latin-American merchants.  RapidPay can provide its payment service without the usage of any ACH (US) or SEPA (european) bank account or Debit/Credit card.


Contact us now for a free and custom solution designed to help you receive the online payment through more then 70 payment solutions.

We accept

& 70 more...